title.gif (2440 bytes)
(Click on each image for full size picture
then click your browser's BACK or PREVIOUS PAGE button to return to this page.)


wes-1Yr.JPG (59463 bytes)
1 year old
wes-1Yr-painter.JPG (60679 bytes)
1 year old
wes-stick.JPG (60808 bytes)
Future Maestro


August '99

family.JPG (59459 bytes)

wes-carwash.JPG (62233 bytes)

wes and lauren.JPG (34299 bytes)
Smiles before the
car trip home

Dad's Little Helper?

With Cousin Lauren
at Ron and Shelly's Wedding

Memorial Day '99
on Pankratz Party Barge

wes-boat.JPG (52678 bytes)