Camp Whispering Cedars 1975
Tejas Girl Scout Council
Staff at 3 Camps 1975 - 1979
Camp Whispering Cedars 1976
Camp Whispering Cedars 1977
Grover and Jennifer Staubach
Alfalfa, Peanut, Frizz, Grover, Baloo, Mahogany, Turkle and others
Grover, Frizz, Peanut, Turkle
Turkle, Gover, Mahogany, Bernice, Baloo, Alfalfa, Tigger, Frizz, Dimples
Peanut, Frizz, Alfalfa, Grover, Baloo
Zinger?, Grover, Alfalfa, Frizz
Zinger?, Frizz, Grover, Alfalfa, Tigger
Rusty, Helicopter, Blossom
Duey (seated), Rabbit, Brandy, Windy, Christmas (side)
Pegasus, Rookie?, Tigger, Grover
Christmas, Duey, Frizz, Pegasus, Grover, Tigger, Turkle, Helicopter, Rusty, Evergreen, Rookie?
CWC and CRP Staff meet up
Duey Injun ?? ?? Marty?
Frizz, Grover, Pegasus, Christmas, CRP Director
?? ?? Tigger, Nimrod
? ? Strawberry, Grover, Nena, Hutch
Grover Sunshine?(the nurse)
Camp Rocky Point - 1974 maybe?
Camp Whispering Cedars - 1975
Camp Whispering Cedars - 1977
Satellite view (from Google maps) of the area around Camp Rocky Point
(or part of it at least). See the groups of green tents?